On the occasion of the International Philosophy Day, associated with the 150th year of Gandhi’s birth, New Acropolis in Israel held a conference about  philosophy as an incentive for change in man and society, as a guide to self-rule and spiritual freedom.   Through a dialogue dealing with man and society according to the philosophical
In the framework of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi and of World Philosophy Day, New Acropolis in Greece held an open event at the Public Cafe on Syntagma Square in Athens. Kostas Frantzikinakis, researcher and director of New Acropolis Greece, spoke about “true philosophy always has been a practice” and, journeying
  On the occasion of World Philosophy Day promoted by UNESCO, New Acropolis in Ruen (France) organised a conference Gandhi: The Warrior of Peace, bringing together sixty people at the Espace Idéalia on Friday, November 16th 2018.   The lecturer, Fernand Schwarz, president and co-founder of New Acropolis in France, introduced Gandhi as the archetype of