New Acropolis France, with the patronage of the Embassy of India, spearheads a National Festival as a tribute to the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The festival will span 17 events across 9 cities and will draw inspiration from the historical figure of Gandhi – a man of example, action and courage in the
  On 28th September 2019, more than 300 participants attended the first of a series of nation wide events in Brazil to commemorate 150 Years of Gandhi. The event held in Cuiabá (Brazil) addressed topics such as tolerance, friendship, non-violence and other human ideals. “Gandhi defended the truth above all things and lived the true concept
On the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, New Acropolis Austria (Salzburg) celebrates his life with a lecture titled Gandhi and his Experiments with Truth. How did Gandhi become the man we call Mahatma or Great Soul? His relentless pursuit of Truth, his love for humanity, his persistence and his sacrifice were key ingredients
  On 16th October 2019, New Acropolis Haifa (Israel) celebrates Gandhi’s 150th Anniversary with a lecture honouring the man who will forever be remembered for achieving the impossible, for freeing a nation in a non-violent struggle against all odds. With willpower, love and intelligence, he demonstrated that if one’s inner world can be changed, this will
  To commemorate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth, New Acropolis Montreal (along with several New Acropolis centres across the world), honours the memory and legacy of Gandhi – a universal figure, respected by generations of people, who exemplifies spiritual values of peace and universal brotherhood that New Acropolis also promotes throughout the world.
                  In honour of the 150th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, New Acropolis Russia (Ekaterinburg) organised a lecture titled Mahatma Gandhi: Life in Search of Truth on 19th September, 2019. The lecture was the first of a series of events by New Acropolis Russia to celebrate this occasion.
     As part of the celebrations of the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi, New Acropolis Portugal announces a series of nation-wide activities, highlighting the virtues and ideals of Mahatma Gandhi, and his embodiment of India’s tradition. From liberating a nation by his pursuit of Truth, to his commitment to self-discipline and non-violence (Ahimsa), Gandhi’s
  To commemorate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth, New Acropolis Ottawa honoured the memory and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. He has inspired millions of people around the globe, including Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.   The lecture by Prof. Parth Doshi focused on Gandhi’s inner transformation and explored
  New Acropolis Portugal honours Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary by launching the first edition of their Magazine Pandava, as a dedication to this special occasion. The first volume, titled Pandava: The Wisdom of India features articles highlighting India’s heritage as a contribution towards universal wisdom, and includes the vision behind the Empowering Real Change event held in Mumbai.
New Acropolis Boston (U.S.A.) celebrated Gandhi’s 150th Anniversary by sharing his message of unity and nonviolence at The Peace Abbey in Sherborn, Massachusetts. Gandhi’s personal example inspires us all to be true to ourselves no matter the cost, and shows us that even small changes can have a big impact.   Surrounded by great quotes